Sunday, August 2, 2009

BTW Heavyweight vacant.

BTW Management regrets to inform Big Time Wrestling fans that it's heavyweight title has been forced to be vacated. Due to the actions of former champion Justin Credible, as well as a lack of decisive ruling by the legally appointed official. Management has handed down this ruling not only due to the lack of a clear cut decision, but also due to the actions of the former champion who encouraged the disorderly behavior of The Legendary Terry Funk, as well as the interference of other individuals from outside of the company.

The Big Time Wrestling Championship Committee, outraged by the former champions actions, has consulted with commissioner Richard Byrne and decided it is best they declared the title vacated. The commissioner has stated that although he may not fully agree with the rulings of the committee he supports their decision, and feels this will open the door for new and up and coming talent to shine in a tournment to declare the new champion, more details to follow.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Who is Lonestar?

A new star debuted in Big Time Wrestling recently by the name of "Lonestar". Theories as to who this masked man may be have been flying throughout the BTW locker room since the man known as Lonestar has shown up to the building already wearing his mask, and has been keeping mostly to himself with little to no interaction with management or fellow wrestlers.

What is known about Lonestar however, is his recent impressive victory over Benny Juxx, and his assistance in helping save the heavyweight champion Justin Credible from Ric Fuller and his hired guns has gotten him involved over his head quickly here in Big Time Wrestling.

The big question remains though, who is this Lonestar? what are his intentions? and what does this mean for Fabbulous and his crew of hired gun trying desperately to regain the BTW heavyweight championship?. If you have any information on the identity of Lonestar please contact Big Time Wrestling, it's management, or email myself and I will be sure to pass it along.

Thanks for reading, and I hope everyone is having a great summer!
Joe B.
BTW Official

Monday, May 4, 2009

Big Time Wrestling and My TV!

May 1st, Big Time Wrestling debuted on the MyTV network with the biggest start to ever hit the BTW ring, The sixteen time world heavyweight champion himself, "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair. Big Time Wrestling television can be seen every Friday night on the MyTV New England television network in 2.5 million homes, and folks let me tell you we all couldn't be any more excited. Myself and other members of the BTW family were able to catch the premiere episode after a great show in Malden, MA that evening. We've been recieving alot of positive feedback, and couldn't of been happier!

Did you watch the very first epsiode of Big Time Wrestling television? We'd love to hear any feedback you have on the show, on how we can make BTW TV the best wrestling show around.
For those who didn't though, be sure to watch MyTV New England every Friday at Midnight (Or set your DVR whatever suites you) Just make sure you don't miss all the action of Big Time Wrestling TV!

Thanks for reading
Joe B.
BTW Official

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Rest In Peace "Playboy" Buddy Rose

We regret to inform everyone that "Playboy" Buddy Rose (Paul Perschmann), has passed away April 28 in Portland, Ore., at the age of 56. The wrestling business has lost another great wrestler and entertainer with the passing of the Playboy. Everyone here at Big Time Wrestling sends it's best wishes to Perschmann's friends and families.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Big Time Wrestling: Bringing you the heat this summer!

Big Time Wrestling is white hot as summer rapidly approaches here in New England. The snow has melted away, the days are getting longer, classes are letting out.. and we have a new Big Time Wrestling World Heavyweight champion in Justin Credible!

After months of Credible pursuing the former heavyweight champion "Hurricane" John Walters, Justin Credible finally captured the title ending the year long reign of terror by Walters, Johnny Fabulous (AKA John Cena Sr.), and his many hired guns (or goons, depending on how you'd like to look at it), Due to the aid of the greatest world champion of all time himself "The Nature Boy Ric Flair.

Over 1100 fans packed into the Webster Town Hall to see Credible capture the title after months of witnessing Credible get cheated time and time again by the likes of former Hart Foundation member "Dangerous" Danny Davis. Although, Walters and Fabulous finally got what was coming to them as the loyal Webster fans rejoiced as the Nature Boy himself made the count on Walters, declaring Justin Credible the NEW Big Time Wrestling Champion!

Who knows problems wait around the bend for Justin Credible as champion here in BTW?, Although one massive problem that waits credible for certain is the number one contender for the gold "The Detonator" Rick Fuller, who won his shot at the title after defeating 25 other men at "The Webster Rumble" on March 29th.

When will we see the new champion and biggest man in Big Time Wrestling collide? can Credible hold on to the gold after all he's gone through with Walters and Fabulous is he mentally prepared to take on the physically dominating madman Rick Fuller? We'll have to wait and see

Get out and Enjoy the sun, and make sure to watch BTW television coming soon!
Joe B.
BTW Official

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Are The Champs Days Numbered?

If Vegas took bets on the Big Time Wrestling heavyweight championship title bouts, I'm not sure if there would be too many people betting the farm on John Walters making it through BTW triple event weekend March 27th, 28th, and 29th with the strap still around his waist

The odds are being stacked against the champ like never before. Friday night, "Hurricane" John Walters faces off against an opponent, and formidable threat he'd probably long forgotten about in "The Black Machismo" Jay Lethal. In a match one year in the making Lethal will finally be cashing in his money in the bank title shot he won last May in Danbury, CT. Defeating seven other many in what was arguably the most death defying and dangerous match in the history of Big Time Wrestling.

Rumor has it that Lethal is all business, and after a long absence from the BTW ring he wants his shot at the title he lost to Walters almost two years ago now, a lose which Lethal still to this day had not received his rematch for.

If Walters is lucky enough survive with the title, the very next night in Chicopee he will be facing off against a man he's trained with, and exchanged victories with, that man is the S.W.B. "Slyk" Wagner Brown. Wagner has been tearing up Big Time Wrestlings tag team division, and is currently the number one conteder for the tag titles with his parent Tre the smooth opertatin' gangsta, collectively known as Total Eclipse.After last months impressive victory in Webster against the tag team champions The French Connection being the sole survivor in BTW's first ever 8 man surivivor series style elimination match. Big Time Wrestling management has seen it fit to give SWB a title shot against Walter's in Chicopee.

When Walter's manager Johnny Fabulous got word of this signing, I was the unfortunate individual who had the "pleasure" of speaking with the money man himself. Fabulous said "This is just BTW throwing another roadblock in front of my man John Walters, I'd love to say "Bring it on"But we have Jay Lethal on Friday, and that washed up old charity case Ric Flair on sunday! It's a complete sham job! I..We're FURIOUS!"

I hate to agree, but Fabulous should be angry..and concerned. If Walters is lucky enough to survive Lethal at Danburymania he'll have to face off against a fired up SWB who's been riding a huge wave of momentum as of late in Big Time Wrestling. Walters has lost to him before, Fabulous and Walters could call it a "fluke", But could the 28th Wagner Browns night?

As if the odds against Walters holding onto that title weren't enough. Big Time Wrestling on March 29th gives the fans of Webster a once in a lifetime oppurtunity to meet the man himself "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair. And believe me, Ric's not just there to look pretty. He will be reffing the match against John Walters greatest foe and number one contender for the Big Time Wrestling Heavyweight Championship,Justin Credible.

Justin Credible has faced off against Walters now for the Big Time Wrestling title countless time. Credible has earned those oppurtunities time and time again only to be screwed one way or the other out of a victory against John Walters. Be it the interference of his manager Johnny Fabulous, or that disgrace to officiating "Dangerous" Danny Davis. If Walters can make it through Jay Lethal, and SWB, he will face off in what is sure to be the biggest match of his career and the biggest match in BTW history, As "Hurricane" John Walters will face off against Justin Credible with arguably the greatest wrestler of all time "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair as the special guest refferee.

The odds are certainly stacked against the champ in March, but John Walters is certainly reaping what he sowed here in Big Time Wrestling, and after a year of ducking and dodging it's time to pay the Piper..not that Piper.

Kind Regards, and WOOO!

Joe B.
BTW Official

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Malice and Fuller: The war continues!

Big Time Wrestling prides itself on bringing the New England wrestling fans the brightest young stars in professional wrestling; and in recent months no star has shone brighter then the fearless up and comer Malice. Malice, a native of Palmer Massachusetts, entered into the wrestling business before he could even drive. He would hitch rides, catch trains, and do whatever it took to find a way to his wrestling school, which was on a good day two hours away, he'd make this journey twice a week.
Now still only 19 years old, Malice has been working his way up through the Big Time Wrestling ranks over the last few years, putting in an impressive performance at the last BTW event in Danbury CT, in which he took other six other men to the limit in hopes of winning a "money in the bank" ladder match guaranteeing him a shot at the heavyweight title. Although Malice's future appears bright in BTW, one man has stepped up to derail his train to stardom, and that man is Rick Fuller

Rick Fuller,also a Massachusetts native, is a veteran in the sport of professional wrestling, as well as the New England independent wrestling scene with over 15 years of experience. The massive Fuller stands almost a foot taller then Malice. It's unknown exactly what the problem IS Fuller has with Malice. Some feel it has to do with Fuller wanting to teach a young wrestler a lesson in respect, others say it's Malice's unwavering, and maybe self destructive urges to not back down to Fuller, and others just think Fuller is an unstoppable machine who's grown agitated by Malice who is a roadblock on his way to the top of Big Time Wrestling.

March 29th in Webster, Malice and Rick Fuller face off for what could be the last time. If Fuller is capable to shake off the unrelenting Malice what will this mean for the rest of the BTW locker room? and if Malice is able to finally defeat Fuller will the kinks in Fullers armor finally expose him for less a machine and more a man? Find out Sunday March 29th at the Webster Town Hall.

Kind Regards

Joe B.
BTW Official

Sunday, January 11, 2009

BTW results for Janaury 10th!

Hey Big Time Wrestling fans!

Referee Joe B. here with results from last nights big show in Webster! Big Time Wrestling is gearing up for it's two biggest shows of the year and tonight was a great start to what is sure to be a BIG 2009.

Malice defeated "The Sexy 65 Year Old Sexiganarian" Robbie Ellis, who was somewhat of a departure from Malice's opponent last month. The biggest and baddest man in the BTW locker room Rick Fuller. Malice at first refused to face off against the..well..elderly Robbie Ellis. I was able to talk to talk to Robbie Ellis for a few minutes and in that time he claimed to me (completely unwarranted I may add) to be a "sex machine", I wanted to ask him if the machine he was in fact thinking of was a phonograph, but I thought better of it.

Malice after defeating Ellis felt like his night was over..this was till Big Rick Fuller (with Mr. Johnny Fabulous) came out to confront Malice to issue an Open Challenge. Before the match, Big Rick and Mr. Fabulous were interrupted by a video message from "Nature Boy" Ric Flair, who promised surprises for the Webster fans in March! Great news forthe fans! bad news worse for Mr Fabulous! but clear and present It was the worst news for Malice who took an absolutely vile beating at the hands of Fuller once again. After the match Malice got in the microphone and said despite Fuller beating him twice now within an inch of his life , he wasn't raised to be a quitter, and whatever it took he was going to take Fuller down.

Malice: I wish you the best of luck, and you're going to need it buddy!

Slyck Wagner Brown took tag team champ Antoine Roy to the limit, and was the sole survivor in an eight-man Survivor Series-style elimination match featuring the Tag Team Champs The French Connection (Antoine Roy & Roberto Rush with Felicia Lou), "Italy's Greatest Athlete" A.J. Mitrano, & Diamondback Jack Maverick. Slyck's partners were Tre the Smooth Operatin' Gangsta the other half of Total Eclipse , Tony "The Fonz" DelFonzo, and his new "brother" USWF Heavyweight Champ Eddy "Bam Bam" DelFonzo.

Sporting a new hairdoo, a new name, and a new lust for life, The USWF champion Eddy Delfonzo was pinned unfortunately once again pinned by half of the BTW announce team and "Italy's greatest athlete" AJ Mitrano. Mitrano has in recent months been claiming on the television show, in the locker room, and on our monthly youtube webisode exclusive shows that HE is indeed in line for a USWF/BTW Television title shot. It this second victory finally the leverage Mitrano will have to get his shot? we'll have to wait and see.

Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake strutted into Webster, to defeat The Sensational, Intelligent Brain Surgeon via The Sleeper hold. Brutus tried to remove the Brain Surgeon's mask to give him a haircut, but to no avail.

The Biggest of them all" Benny Juxx, with new ring attire and apparently a whole new attitude towards BTW and it's fans, pinned the fun loving chunky but funky "Sweet" Scott Ashworth.

And in our main event.. Spike Dudley & Justin Credible defeated Dangerous Danny Davis & BTW Heavyweight Champ "Hurricane" John Walters in a Tables match after Walters was tossed into a table that was propped up in a corner, the table shattered into about a million peices and echoed so loudly throughout the webster town hall I could even hear it in the back changing, It's a wonder the champ was even able to stand, however knowing what was coming his way i'm not so sure he would liked to of been concious. After the match, Mr. Fabulous and Justin Credible's verbal confrontation was interrupted by "Nature Boy" Ric Flair, who will be the guest referee in a Heavyweight Championship rematch between Walters and Credible in March!

That's all for last night, but we'll see all you great fans March 27th, 29th, and maybe even a rumored 28th? you'll have to wait and see!

Joe B.

BTW official